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5.2 Transformation Geometry

5.2.1 Understand that rotations are specified by a centre and an angle

rotation is specified by centre of rotationangle of rotation, and direction (clockwise or anticlockwise)

edexcel_igcse_mathematics a_topic 37_transformation geometry_003_Rotation

5.2.2 Rotate a shape about a point through a given angle

An imaginary point acts as a pivot for the rotation. This is call the centre of rotation.

5.2.3 Recognise that an anti-clockwise rotation is a positive angle of rotation and a clockwise rotation is a negative angle of rotation

edexcel_igcse_mathematics a_topic 37_transformation geometry_002_Rotation: Anti-clockwise vs Clockwise
edexcel_igcse_mathematics a_topic 37_transformation geometry_001_Rotation: Order of Rotational Symmetry
edexcel_igcse_mathematics a_topic 37_transformation geometry_004_Rotation (1)
edexcel_igcse_mathematics a_topic 37_transformation geometry_005_Rotation (2)

Positive and negative angles may be used instead of ‘clockwise’ and ‘anticlockwise’ to specify the direction of rotation.


Example: Rotate through -270o means rotate -270o clockwise.

5.2.4 Understand that reflections are specified by a mirror line

A reflection is specified by a mirror line.

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5.2.5 Construct a mirror line given an object and reflect a shape given a mirror line

edexcel_igcse_mathematics a_topic 37_transformation geometry_007_Reflections

5.2.6 Understand that translations are specified by a distance and direction

translation simply slides an object left/right and/or up/down.

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5.2.7 Translate a shape

5.2.8 Understand and use column vectors in translations

translation can be expressed in a vector form.

5.2.9 Understand that rotations, reflections and translations preserve length and angle so that a transformed shape under any of these transformations remains congruent to the original shape

Two shapes are congruent if they are exactly the same shape and size.

Reflections, rotations and translations all preserve congruence.

5.2.10 Understand that enlargements are specified by a centre and a scale factor

edexcel_igcse_mathematics a_topic 37_transformation geometry_009_Enlargements

An enlargement is specified by centre of enlargement and a scale factor.

  • Scale factors larger than 1 makes the image larger
  • Scale factors between 0 and 1 makes the image smaller

5.2.11 Understand that enlargements preserve angles and not lengths

Enlargement do not preserve congruence.

The object and its image will have similar shape.

5.2.12 Enlarge a shape given the scale factor

Type 1: Length

When solid objects are enlarged by a scale factor, their length increases by the same ratio.

edexcel_igcse_mathematics a_topic 37_transformation geometry_010_Enlargement: Scale Factor
edexcel_igcse_mathematics a_topic 37_transformation geometry_011_Enlargement: Scale Factor

Type 2: Area

When solid objects are enlarged by a scale factor, their area increases by the square of the ratio.

Type 3: Volume or Weight

When solid objects are enlarged by a scale factor, their volume increases by the cube of the ratio.

5.2.13 Identify and give complete descriptions of transformations