IGCSE Edexcel Mathematics A

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3.2 Function Notation (Higher Tier Only)

3.2.1 Understand the concept that a function is a mapping between elements of two sets (Higher Tier Only)

edexcel_igcse_mathematics a_topic 21_functional notation_001_Function

3.2.2 Use function notations of the form f(x) = … and f : x  … (Higher Tier Only)

3.2.3 Understand the terms ‘domain’ and ‘range’ and which values may need to be excluded from a domain (Higher Tier Only)

edexcel_igcse_mathematics a_topic 21_functional notation_004_Exclusions

3.2.4 Understand and find the composite function fg and the inverse function f-1 (Higher Tier Only)

edexcel_igcse_mathematics a_topic 21_functional notation_002_Composite Function
edexcel_igcse_mathematics a_topic 21_functional notation_003_Inverse Function