IGCSE Edexcel Mathematics A

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1.6 Percentages

1.6.1 Understand that ‘percentage’ means ‘number of parts per 100’

edexcel_igcse_mathematics a_topic 06_percentages_001_introduction to percentage

1.6.2 Express a given number as a percentage of another number

1.6.3 Express a percentage as a fraction and as a decimal

To convert a percentage into a fraction, simply write the given percentage over a denominator of 100, then cancel down if appropriate.

  • 50%= ½ or 0.5
  • 25% = ¼ or 0.25
  • 20% = ⅕ or 0.2
  • 100% = or 1 (both fraction and decimal makes 1)
edexcel_igcse_mathematics a_topic 06_percentages_002_conversion between fraction and percentage

1.6.4 Understand the multiplicative nature of percentages as operators

1.6.5 Solve simple percentage problems, including percentage increase and decrease

edexcel_igcse_mathematics a_topic 06_percentages_003_percentage change

Percentage increase or decrease may be calculated very efficiently using a multiplying factor. This may either be greater than 1 (increase) or less than 1 (decrease).


Example 1:

3% increase = 1 + 0.03 = 1.03


Example 2:

3% decrease = 1 – 0.03 = 0.97

1.6.6 Use reverse percentages

To reverse the calculation, simply divide by the multiplying factors.

1.6.7 Use compound interest and depreciation

edexcel_igcse_mathematics a_topic 06_percentages_004_compound interest

1.6.8 Use repeated percentage change (Higher Tier Only)

1.6.9 Solve compound interest problems (Higher Tier Only)