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1.4 Powers and Roots

Powers tell you how many times a number is to be multiplied by itself.

Powers are also called indices.

1.4.1 Identify square numbers and cube numbers

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A square number is a number that is multiplied by itself.

A cube number is a number that is multiplied by istelf and then by itself again.

1.4.2 Calculate squares, square roots, cubes and cube roots

The reverse of raising to a power is taking a root.

2² = 4 

√4 = 2 

∛27 = 3 

1.4.3 Use index notation and index laws for multiplication and division of positive and negative integer powers including zero

  • The powers of a number is the definition of a number getting multiplied by itself again and again
    • 21 means 2
    • 22 means 2 × 2
    • 25 means 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2
  • Keep in mind that any number except 0 to the power of 0 is always equal to 1

1.4.4 Express integers as a product of powers of prime factors

  • The root of a number is the opposite of a power of a number
  • A square root of 16 is a number that when squared equals 16

1.4.5 Find highest common factors (HCF) and lowest common multiples (LCM)

Type 1: Highest Common Factor (HCF)


What is HCF?

It is the highest common factor that 2 numbers share, for example 88 and 121 share the HCF of 11. 


Step 1: Find the factor of A

Step 2: Find the factor of B

Step 3: Find the highest common factor

Type 2: Lowest Common Multiple (LCM)


What is LCM?

It is the lowest common multiple of 2 numbers.


Step 1: Find the multiple of A

Step 2: Find the multiple of B

Step 3: Find the lowest common multiple

1.4.6 Understand the meaning of surds (Higher Tier Only)

A surd is the square root of a number that is not a square number, for example √8 is not a square number so therefore it has to be broken down into 4 and 2. In which 4 is a square number, therefore √8 becomes 2√2

1.4.7 Manipulate surds, including rationalising a denominator (Higher Tier Only)

1.4.8 Use index laws to simplify and evaluate numerical expressions involving integer, fractional and negative powers (Higher Tier Only)