IGCSE Edexcel Mathematics A

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4.11 Similarity

4.11.1 Understand and use the geometrical properties that similar figures have corresponding lengths in the same ratio but corresponding angles remain unchanged

edexcel_igcse_mathematics a_topic 35_similarity_001_Scale Factor: Length (1)

4.11.2 Use and interpret maps and scale drawings

4.11.3 Understand that areas of similar figures are in the ratio of the square of corresponding sides (Higher Tier Only)

4.11.4 Understand that volumes of similar figures are in the ratio of the cube of corresponding sides (Higher Tier Only)

4.11.5 Use areas and volumes of similar figures in solving problems (Higher Tier Only)

edexcel_igcse_mathematics a_topic 35_similarity_002_Scale Factor: Area (2)
edexcel_igcse_mathematics a_topic 35_similarity_003_Scale Factor: Volume (3)